Salvage of Hemlock Looper-Killed Timber in the Robson Valley

Adequacy of a Forest Development Plan in the McGregor River Area East of Prince George

On January 31 and on February 6 and 7 of 1997, Northwood Pulp and Timber Limited (the licensee) advertised an opportunity for the public to review and comment on the 1997-2001 Forest Development Plan for Forest Licence A18165 near the McGregor River, 120 kilometres east of Prince George. The plan was available for viewing during a five-day open house at the company’s Prince George office from February 24 to 28, and written comments from the public were to be accepted until April 1, 1997.

The licensee submitted the development plan to the Prince George District office of the Ministry of Forests on March 3, 1997, but added additional information and re-submitted the plan on April 16, 1997. On May 30, the district manager noted that the plan did not contain information required under the Code and instructed the licensee to resubmit the plan in full when the content requirements were met. The following information was missing: classification of streams, wetlands and lakes as well as terrain stability, heritage resources, watershed assessments, visual impacts, wildlife, green-up and roads.

Adequacy of a Forest Development Plan in the McGregor River Area East of Prince George