Glyphosate Herbicide Impacts

Provincial Land Use Planning: Which way from here?

Strategic land use planning can touch on all aspects of natural resource management. At the Forest Practices Board, our interest lies in the implications of that planning on forest and range practices. The Board reports on compliance with the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) and achievement of its intent. This legislation, and the management regime surrounding it, are critical tools in implementing strategic land use plans.

In BC, the era of comprehensive, provincial scale strategic land use planning based on a consensus-seeking model is drawing to a close. The initial goal set in 1992, of doubling the protected areas system, has been achieved and exceeded. However, we have fallen short of the goal of implementing “comprehensive land and water use planning” based on “local involvement and shared decision making.

Provincial Land Use Planning: Which way from here?

Beetle Salvage Impacts on Guide Outfitters

A complaint filed by the Guide Outfitters Association of British Columbia about its members’ businesses being harmed by increased harvesting of mountain pine beetle infested timber. The complainant is concerned with MOFR’s harvest monitoring; licensees harvesting species other than pine, leaving understory trees, using herbicide and government not having an overall plan for the salvage harvest.

Beetle Salvage Impacts on Guide Outfitters

Government Enforcement and the Due Diligence Defence

The Sierra Club of Canada (B.C. Branch) asked the Board to investigate how the defence of due diligence is being implemented throughout the entire government enforcement system, in a forest practices context.

Bulletin 009 – Fort St. John Pilot Project – Results-based legislation that works (2007)

This bulletin is the ninth in a series of Forest Practices Board bulletins describing aspects of forest legislation, practices and trends, and their implications for forest stewardship. These bulletins are intended to foster discussion and to improve understanding of forest practices.

Bulletin 008 – Ecosystem Services and British Columbia’s Forest and Range Lands (2007)

This bulletin is the eighth in a series of Forest Practices Board bulletins describing new aspects of forest legislation, practices and trends, and their implications for forest stewardship. These bulletins are intended to foster discussion and to improve understanding of forest practices.

Government Enforcement and the Due Diligence Defence

Bulletin 009 – Fort St. John Pilot Project – Results-based legislation that works (2007)