Consideration of Water Impacts from Planned Woodlot Harvesting near Nakusp

On March 12, 2004, the Granite Ridge Water Users Committee (the complainant) asked the Board to investigate the approval of a forest development plan for a woodlot located near Edgewood in the Arrow Boundary Forest District. The complainant believes that approval of the FDP did not adequately consider water resources. The complainant makes the following assertions: a community watershed assessment was not completed; theCommunity Watershed Planning Guidebook was not followed; and the district manager’s approval of the plan did not adequately consider a hydrologist’s report (provided by the complainant) or hydrologic values. The complainant expects that logging and road building will affect the domestic water supply and wants the woodlot relocated to a less sensitive area.

Consideration of Water Impacts from Planned Woodlot Harvesting near Nakusp

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: Revelstoke Community Forest Corporation – TFL 56

A compliance audit of Tree Farm Licence 56, held by Revelstoke Community Forest Corporation (RCFC). The licence is area-based and is located approximately 50 kilometres north of the City of Revelstoke in the Columbia Forest District.The audit examined RCFC’s operational planning; timber harvesting; road construction,maintenance and deactivation; silviculture; and fire protection practices for the period from July 1, 2002, to July 18, 2003.

Revelstoke Community Forest Corporation – TFL 56

Schroeder Creek Road

This complaint is about the Schroeder Creek forest access road built by Kalesnikoff Lumber Company Limited (the licensee) in the Kootenay Lakes Forest District. Valhalla Wilderness Society (the complainant) asked the Board to investigate six landslides, or failures, that occurred along the road, including planning, general road building practices, and the Ministry of Forests’ enforcement of the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act and its regulations (the Code) for the road.

The Board decided to investigate whether the licensee met the Code’s requirements for planning, road building and enforcement for only the sections of the road that include two landslides. The ministry’s determinations for the four other failures are being reviewed through the administrative review and appeal process under the Forest Practices Code.

Schroeder Creek Road

An Example of Long-Form Audit Reporting

The Board randomly chosen 2002 audit of TFL 23, held by Pope & Talbot Ltd. (P&T), enabled the Board to develop and test its auditing procedures for a certified company. P&T’s operations under TFL 23 are certified under the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14001, and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI).

An Example of Long-Form Audit Reporting

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: Pope and Talbot Ltd. – Tree Farm Licence 23

This is the Board’s report on the full scope compliance audit of TFL 23 held by Pope & Talbot Ltd. The primary operating area of TFL 23 is located between Castlegar in the south, and Revelstoke in the north.

Pope and Talbot Ltd. – Tree Farm Licence 23