Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: The Pas Lumber Company Ltd. – FL A18171

This is the Board’s report on a compliance audit of Forest Licence (FL) A18171, held by The Pas Lumber Company Ltd. (The Pas). The operating area for FL 18171 is within the Prince George Timber Supply Area (TSA).

The Pas Lumber Company Ltd. – FL A18171

Water Quality in the Shawnigan Lake Community Watershed

Shawnigan Lake Watershed Watch, an organization made up of local residents, complained to the Forest Practices Board about the management of the water resource in the watershed. The organization is concerned that forest development on private lands in the Shawnigan Lake watershed, located in the South Island Forest District, is not being adequately considered before harvesting is approved on Crown land.

Water Quality in the Shawnigan Lake Community Watershed

Audit of Timber Harvesting and Road Activities: TFL 42 – Tanizul Timber Ltd.

This is a report on a compliance audit of Tree Farm Licence 42, held by Tanizul Timber Ltd. (Tanizul). TFL 42 is located north and east of Stuart Lake, south of Trembleur Lake and west of the Tachie River, in the Fort St. James Forest District.

The audit examined Tanizul’s timber harvesting, road practices, and related operational plans, for the period of June 1, 1999, to June 18, 2000. The audit assessed compliance with the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act and related regulations (the Code)

Tanizul Timber Ltd. – TFL 42

Opportunity for Public Review and Comment on Proposed Forest Operations along Takla Lake in the Fort St. James Forest District

On August 30, 1999, the Board received a complaint from the owner of a tourist lodge (Takla Rainbow Lodge) on Takla Lake in the Fort St. James Forest District. The complainant said that he had been denied an adequate opportunity to participate in operational planning for Forest Licence A40873, which is held by Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (the licensee) and located across the lake from the lodge.

The complainant said that one of his main objectives in making the complaint was to create a freer flow of information about operational plans so that he could provide informed comments in future. He emphasized that improved communications were essential in addressing his substantive concerns about forest practices in the licence area and the impacts of logging on fish habitat and scenic views.

Opportunity for Public Review and Comment on Proposed Forest Operations along Takla Lake

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: Canadian Forest Products Ltd., Fort St. James Division – FL A40873

This is a report on a compliance audit of Forest Licence A40873 held by CanadianForest Products Ltd. (Canfor).

Before completing this report, the Board considered extensive written representations from Canfor as required under section 182 of the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act. The Board also considered the Report from the Auditor along with supporting audit evidence

Canadian Forest Products Ltd., Fort St. James Division – FL A40873