Audit: BCTS – Strait of Georgia Business Area – Powell River Business Unit

Conservation of Species at Risk under the Forest and Range Practices Act: Marbled Murrelets on the Sunshine Coast

Conservation of Species at Risk under the Forest and Range Practices Act: Marbled Murrelets on the Sunshine Coast

In July 2006, the district manager of the Sunshine Coast Forest District approved a FSP submitted by International Forest Products Limited (the licensee), that covered much of the Sunshine Coast Timber Supply Area and included a strategy for conservation of marbled murrelet habitat. With that strategy approved, the Board investigated how FRPA was being applied.

The initial objectives of the special investigation were:

  • to assess government’s objectives by comparing them with the objectives of a draft federal marbled murrelet recovery strategy;
  • to compare the anticipated results of the licensee’s forest stewardship plan with what is likely to be recommended for recovery of marbled murrelet populations in the plan area;
  • to assess the reliance on, and effectiveness of, resource professionals in the licensee’s planning processes around conservation of marbled murrelet nesting habitat; and
  • to assess the effectiveness of forest stewardship and sustainable forest management planning processes for informing the public of, and involving the public in, implementing conservation measures for marbled murrelet habitat.

Transfer of Planning Objectives under FRPA: Stillwater Timberlands

Three complaints from the Powell River area; one from private citizens, one from the Powell River Parks and Wilderness Society and a third from the Powell River Alpine Club was received. The forest stewardship plan (FSP) not being understandable; community advisory group no longer adequately represented the community; and the community values that were incorporated into the Stillwater Pilot Pan were not included in the draft FSP according to the complainants.

Transfer of Planning Objectives under FRPA: Stillwater Timberlands

International Forest Products Ltd.; 9096 Investment Ltd.; Terminal Forest Products Ltd.; F.A.B. Logging Co. Ltd.; Northwest Hardwoods

Audit of Timber Harvesting and Road Activities: International Forest Products Ltd.; 9096 Investment Ltd.; Terminal Forest Products Ltd.; F.A.B. Logging Co. Ltd.; Northwest Hardwoods

Five forestry licensees in the Sunshine Coast Forest District—International Forest Products Ltd., Terminal Forest Products Ltd., Northwest Hardwoods, 9096 Investments Ltd., and F.A.B. Logging Co. Ltd. complied with legislative requirements for timber harvesting and road construction, maintenance and deactivation. Licensees also followed land-use plan directives such as protecting goat ranges and maintaining visual quality standards.

BCTS Logging at Roberts Creek

BCTS Logging at Roberts Creek

Between July and October 2005, the Board received a number of complaints about five BCTS cutblocks above Roberts Creek, on the Sunshine Coast. The complainants wanted the cutblocks withdrawn, a new planning process for Mt. Elphinstone established, and 1500 hectares above Roberts Creek protected.

FSR Bridges: Inspections and Maintenance

In January 2004, the Forest Practices Board initiated an investigation of bridge and major culvert inspection and maintenance practices on forest service roads (FSRs). This special investigation assessed Ministry of Forests’ compliance with the Forest Practices Code requirements to inspect, repair and maintain bridges and major culverts. The investigation, consisting of both office and site visits, was conducted in the winter and spring of 2004. The Board examined bridges and major culverts on FSRs in six forest districts: Sunshine Coast, North Coast, Peace, Headwaters (including both former Clearwater and Robson Valley districts), Central Cariboo, and Kootenay Lake.