On September 7, 2005, a resident of Elkford filed a complaint asserting that Tembec Inc. (the licensee) was needlessly harvesting Douglas fir trees while harvesting pine beetle stands and had been leaving merchantable logs and excessive slash on site. As well, the complainant asserted that the Ministry of Forests had not responded appropriately in the circumstances.
Wynndel Box and Lumber Company Ltd.’s forest practices in the Kootenay Lake Forest District achieved full compliance with forest practices legislation requirements for all streamside activities. The pilot audit concluded that the harvesting practices did not disturb the proper functioning of nearby streams and minimized sediments deposits in streams resulting from road crossings.
The Winlaw Watershed Committee filed a complaint with the Board about BCTS’ harvesting in the watershed, where many residents obtained water. The Winlaw Committee has been involved in a planning process with the Ministry of Forests since 1999 and it expected BCTS to consult with it before logging in the watershed.
In January 2004, the Forest Practices Board initiated an investigation of bridge and major culvert inspection and maintenance practices on forest service roads (FSRs). This special investigation assessed Ministry of Forests’ compliance with the Forest Practices Code requirements to inspect, repair and maintain bridges and major culverts. The investigation, consisting of both office and site visits, was conducted in the winter and spring of 2004. The Board examined bridges and major culverts on FSRs in six forest districts: Sunshine Coast, North Coast, Peace, Headwaters (including both former Clearwater and Robson Valley districts), Central Cariboo, and Kootenay Lake.
The Board received a complaint from an individual about the adequacy of the public review process for proposed forest development plan amendments in the Boundary area.