Audit of Timber Harvesting and Road Activities: FL A16828 – Northwood Pulp and Timber Ltd.

This is a report on a compliance audit of Forest Licence A16828 held by Northwood Pulp and Timber Ltd., Houston Division. The audit examined Northwood’s timber harvesting and road practices, and the related operational plans for the period July 1, 1996, to July 1, 1997, to assess compliance with the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act and related regulations (the Code).

Northwood Pulp and Timber Ltd. – FL A16828

Logging and Management of Cultural Heritage Values Near Babine Lake North of Burns Lake, BC in the Lakes Forest District

On June 11, 1999, the Board received a complaint from a member of a family that operates a registered trapline near Babine Lake. Babine Lake is about 60 kilometres north of Burns Lake, in the Lakes Forest District.

The complainant asserted that forest practices damaged fish habitat, culturally modified trees, trails, cultural heritage values and traplines near Babine Lake. The complainant also stated that a barge operated by Babine Forest Products (the licensee) routinely spills oil and gas into Babine Lake.

The complaint issues were very broad, so the complaint analyst met with the complainant early in the investigation to define specific issues.

Logging and Management of Cultural Heritage Values Near Babine Lake North of Burns Lake, BC in the Lakes Forest District

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: West Fraser Mills Ltd., Skeena Sawmills Division – TFL 41

This is a report on a compliance audit of TFL 41 held by West Fraser Mills Ltd., Skeena Sawmills Division (West Fraser). The audit examined West Fraser’s operational planning (including forest development plans, silviculture prescriptions, and logging plans), timber harvesting, road construction, maintenance and deactivation, silviculture and fire protection for the period September 1, 1997, to September 1, 1998, to assess compliance with the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act and related regulations (the Code).

West Fraser Mills Ltd., Skeena Sawmills Division – TFL 41

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: Pacific Inland Resources – FL A16830

This is a report on a compliance audit of Forest Licence A16830 held by Pacific Inland Resources, a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd. The audit examined operational planning, timber harvesting, silviculture, fire protection, and road construction, maintenance and deactivation for the period July 1, 1998, to July 1, 1999, to assess compliance with the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act and related regulations (the Code).

Pacific Inland Resources – FL A16830

Approval of a Bridge Across the Babine River, near New Hazelton, BC in the Kispiox Forest District

In August 1996, the Forest Practices Board (the Board) received a complaint about the construction of a bridge across the lower Babine River near its confluence with the Skeena River. Several potential locations for the bridge had been the subject of discussion and public planning meetings between government agencies, First Nations, and a number of public organizations for many years. A final location for the bridge was approved in March 1996 and construction began in August 1996. The approved location for the bridge was different from the location identified previously in public planning reports released in 1992 and 1994.

The complainant asked the Board: “…to investigate and determine why the bridge crossing was approved without undergoing the proper public review process, and to take appropriate action so that it does not occur again.”

Approval of a Bridge Across the Babine River, near New Hazelton, BC