Under the Nisga’a Final Agreement (the Agreement), in May 2000 the Nisga’a Nation was formally granted rights to the Nisga’a lands, an area of approximately 200,000 hectares in and around the Nass Valley, 100 kilometres northwest of Terrace.
BCTS and timber sale licence holders in the Lakes TSA, located near Burns Lake, complied in all significant respects with forest practices legislation, with the exception of two minor instances of poor harvesting practices causing soil disturbance. BCTS took immediate steps to address the soil disturbance findings.
For several years, a Prince Rupert resident (the complainant) has been concerned about the potential effect of dropping logs into the ocean near feeding areas for humpback whales. The complainant asked the Board to investigate whether the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act, or its regulations (the Code), provided a mechanism to manage such impacts from coastal forestry operations.
The Northern Pacific Humpback Whale is one of several species of whales found in British Columbia. The humpback is a large whale, up to 14 metres in length and weighing from 25 to 40 tonnes. In May 2003, the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada classified the North Pacific Humpback Whale as threatened.” The North Pacific population is protected under the federal Species at Risk Act (SARA). This means that the whales are protected from harassment, killing, harm, or capture. SARA aims to protect species-at-risk from becoming extinct, and ensures that recovery action plans are put in place to conserve them.
A resident of Smithers asked the Board to investigate the unauthorized construction of a cabin and an ATV trail on Sinclair Mountain. The complainant asserts that the construction of the trail and cabin contravened the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) and that, despite the contraventions, the Ministry of Forests did not take appropriate enforcement action.
In January 2004, the Forest Practices Board initiated an investigation of bridge and major culvert inspection and maintenance practices on forest service roads (FSRs). This special investigation assessed Ministry of Forests’ compliance with the Forest Practices Code requirements to inspect, repair and maintain bridges and major culverts. The investigation, consisting of both office and site visits, was conducted in the winter and spring of 2004. The Board examined bridges and major culverts on FSRs in six forest districts: Sunshine Coast, North Coast, Peace, Headwaters (including both former Clearwater and Robson Valley districts), Central Cariboo, and Kootenay Lake.