Gorman Bros. Lumber Ltd. – FL A18671

Forest Practices Code Enforcement in Upper Bridge River, Northwest of Gold Bridge, BC in the Lillooet Forest District

The complaint was filed by an environmental organization, the Western Canada Wilderness Committee, which was concerned that harvesting in the Upper Bridge River area would impact on an adjacent wilderness area. The Sierra Legal Defence Fund frequently acted on behalf of the Western Canada Wilderness Committee. For convenience, the Western Canada Wilderness Committee, the Sierra Legal Defence Fund and members of both organizations are collectively referred to as “the complainant” in this report.

In mid-August 1996, the complainant reviewed a series of operational planning documents for an area in Ainsworth Lumber Co. Ltd.’s (the licensee) Upper Bridge River operating area northwest of Gold Bridge, BC. The complainant also did a field inspection of forest practices in the area. The complainant was concerned that operational plans and forest practices did not comply with the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act and related regulations.

Forest Practices Code Enforcement in Upper Bridge River, Northwest of Gold Bridge, BC

Audit of Timber Harvesting and Road Activities: FL A20010 – Tolko Forest Industries Ltd.

This is a report on a compliance audit of Forest Licence A20010 held by Tolko Industries Ltd.—Questwood Division. The audit examined timber harvesting, road practices, and related operational plans, for the period May 1, 1997, to July 17, 1998. The audit assessed compliance with the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act and related regulations (the Code).

Audit of Timber Harvesting and Road Construction, Maintenance, and Deactivation: FL A18689 – Riverside Forest Products Ltd.

A compliance audit of Forest Licence A18689, held by Riverside Forest Products Ltd. Activities under this licence took place in operating areas located southwest of Salmon Arm and northwest of Vernon.

The audit examined Riverside’s timber harvesting, road practices, and related operational plans, for the period August 1, 1997, to August 10, 1998.

Tolko Forest Industries Ltd. – FL A20010

Riverside Forest Products Ltd. – FL A18689

Flooding of Ponds on Neskonlith Indian Reserve in the Salmon Arm Forest District

The report examines if the flooding of ponds on the Neskonlith Indian Reserve was caused by forest practices and whether there were any contraventions of the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act and related regulations (the Code).

Neskonlith Indian Reserve #2 is situated about eight kilometres west of Chase, British Columbia. Three unnamed ponds are located on the reserve. Water levels in the ponds began rising in the spring of 1998 and the three ponds joined to form one lake. The high water levels flooded grassland and killed trees scattered around the perimeters of the ponds.

Flooding of Ponds on Neskonlith Indian Reserve

Flooding of Ponds on Neskonlith Indian Reserve in the Salmon Arm Forest District