Forest Harvesting and Streamflows in the Bonneau Creek Watershed

In June 2014, a landowner near Echo Lake, east of Lumby BC, complained to the Board that forest harvesting in the Bonneau Creek watershed was altering streamflows through his private land. During the spring, high flows were causing damage to his property and, by mid-summer, the stream was dry. As well, the complainant says that the woodlot licensee did not consider his concerns about harvesting effects on streamflows.

The report examined: 1) whether forest harvesting affected streamflows in Bonneau Creek; 2) whether licensees considered the risk of harvesting on streamflows; and 3) whether the woodlot licensee’s public consultation met FRPAs requirements.

Forest Harvesting and Streamflows in the Bonneau Creek Watershed

Timber Harvesting Impacts on Water Flows near Clearwater

In May 2015, the owners of the Sunset Village Mobile Home Park, near Clearwater, complained that harvesting by the Wells Gray Community Forest Corporation increased seepage from a cutbank beside the mobile home park threatening several homes.  As well the park owners were concerned about loss of access to the Star Lake Road.

The report focusses on the impact of harvesting by the Community Forest on seepage beside the mobile home park, compliance with legal obligations, the consideration and management of risks from water flows and access to the Star Lake Road.

Timber Harvesting Impacts on Water Flows near Clearwater

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: BCTS and Timber Sale Licence Holders – Kamloops Business Area, Kamloops Field Unit

As part of its 2014 compliance audit program, the Forest Practices Board randomly selected the Kamloops field unit portion of BC Timber Sales’ (BCTS) Kamloops Business Area for audit, located in the Thompson Rivers District. BCTS operates in 30 operating areas in the Kamloops field unit. They are located within the Thompson River drainages and near the communities of Kamloops, Cache Creek, Chase, Little Fort and Barriere and includes Kamloops, Bonaparte and Adams lakes.

The audit identified one area requiring improvement with respect to a TSL holder maintaining natural drainage along a road and trail it had constructed to access timber. Auditors found that the TSL holder did not maintain natural drainage patterns along the length of the road and trail, causing water to flow down the ditch-line and into the forest, where the water and sediment settled on an old trail located 10-metres upslope from a small fish-bearing stream. After the audit, the TSL holder deactivated the road and rehabilitated the trail to restore natural drainage.

BCTS and TSL Holders – Kamloops Business Area, Kamloops Field Unit

Closing Letter – Harvesting in Moose Ungulate Winter Range in the Okanagan District

Resident of Lake Country filed a complaint with the Board asserting that Tolko Industries Ltd. overharvested trees in moose ungulate winter range, not meeting the requirements of an Order under the Government Actions Regulation for Ungulate Winter Range #U-8-006 – Okanagan TSA.

Closing Letter – Harvesting in Moose Ungulate Winter Range in the Okanagan District

Local Planning Commitments and Logging near Wells Gray Park

In 1999, residents of the Upper Clearwater Valley and the local forest district agreed that the corridor of private and public land surrounding the road leading to Wells Gray Provincial Park had unique values. The values were documented in guidelines in a local resource use plan. The guidelines were endorsed by the district manager, who was pleased about the trust that had developed between business, government and individuals. Little harvesting occurred in the area until 13 years later, in 2012, when the licensee who operates in the area went to the referral group with harvest plans and explained how the plans followed the guidelines. The referral group disagreed. The licensee tried to get comments on the operational plans but the residents’ concerns were more strategic than operational and the residents viewed government as breaking its agreement with them. They complained to the Board that the guidelines were not being followed.

Local Planning Commitments and Logging near Wells Gray Park