Audit of Timber Harvesting and Road Activities: Mid-Coast Forest District Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP)

This is a report on a limited scope compliance audit of the Mid-Coast Forest District SBFEP. The audit examined the SBFEP’s operational planning (including forest development plans, silviculture prescriptions, and logging plans); timber harvesting; and road construction, maintenance and deactivation activities for the period of August 9, 1998, to August 31, 1999.

Before completing this report, the Board considered written representations from the Mid-Coast Forest District as required under section 182 of the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act (the Act). The Board also considered the Report from the Auditor along with supporting audit evidence.

Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP) – Mid-Coast Forest District

Western Forest Products Ltd. TFL 25, Audit of Timber Harvesting and Road Activities in the QCI, North Coast, Midcoast District

This is the Board’s report on a compliance audit1 of Tree Farm Licence 25 held by Western Forest Products Limited (WFP). The Report from the Auditor (Part B) describes the operating areas of the forest licence, the portion of the licence audited and the scope of the audit.

Western Forest Products Ltd. – TFL 25

Maintaining Biodiversity in a Cutblock on Southwestern Vancouver Island in the South Island Forest District

In July 1999, the Board received a complaint from an individual who works as a faller. He was required, as part of his job, to cut down small trees in a specific cutblock, but was concerned that was not a sound forest practice.

In June 1999 the complainant was hired by a contractor to work on a cutblock in Tree Farm Licence 46, administered by TimberWest Forest Ltd. (“the licensee”). The cutblock was beside the McClure River, a tributary of the Caycuse River, 35 kilometres west of Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island.

Maintaining Biodiversity in a Cutblock on Southwestern Vancouver Island

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: Ministry of Forest, Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP) – Port McNeill Forest District

This is the Board’s report on a compliance audit of the SBFEP in the Port McNeill Forest District. The operating areas of the SBFEP are located on the northern portion of Vancouver Island, numerous islands in Johnstone Strait and the adjacent mainland coast from Knight Inlet north to Seymour Inlet.

The audit examined the SBFEP’s operational planning, timber harvesting, silviculture, fire protection, and road construction, maintenance and deactivation, for the period July 1, 1997, to July 15, 1998, to assess compliance with the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act and related regulations (the Code).

Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP) – Port McNeill Forest District

Road Approval within a Riparian Management Area on Catface Mountain, near Clayoquot Sound

In May 1997, the Friends of Clayoquot Sound-Forest Watch provided written review comments to International Forest Products Ltd., Westcoast Division on its Catface Planning Area forest development plan for Tree Farm Licence 54. They expressed concern that a proposed road was located within a 50-metre riparian reserve zone required by the Clayoquot Sound Scientific Panel Recommendations and identified in the forest development plan for Pineetle Creek. Encroachment by roads in riparian areas is generally discouraged by both the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act and the Clayoquot Sound Scientific Panel Recommendations.

Road Approval within a Riparian Management Area on Catface Mountain, near Clayoquot Sound