This audit examined forest planning and practices on woodlot licence W1632, held by the Halalt First Nation, in the South Island District. The licence is located near Chemainus, west of the Panorama Ridge subdivision and the Island Highway, south of Ladysmith. The licence has an allowable annual cut of 3012 cubic metres per year.

While most planning and practices complied with requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act, the auditors found one significant non-compliance.

As part of the Forest Practices Board’s 2013 compliance audit program, the BC Timber Sales program and timber sale licence holders in the Coast Mountains Resource District portion of the Skeena Business Area were randomly selected for audit.

The Skeena Business Area within the Coast Mountains Resource District conducts operations in the Kalum, North Coast, Nass, Pacific and Cascadia timber supply areas and Tree Farm Licences 1 and 41. The district includes the communities of Terrace, Prince Rupert, Kitimat, Stewart, New Aiyansh and Port Edward, as well as several villages

As part of its 2013 compliance audit program, the Forest Practices Board selected Block 1 of Western Forest Product Inc.'s (WFP) Tree Farm Licence (TFL) 39 for audit. Block 1 lies within the Sunshine Coast district, near Powell River.

TFL 39 is made up of five distinct operating areas called blocks. Blocks 2 to 5, which are not part of the audit, are on Vancouver Island and on the mainland coast, northwest of Block 1. WFP manages Block 1 through its Stillwater Forest Operation, which is located in Powell River.

The forest in the southern portion of Block 1 is dominated by second growth Douglas-fir, western hemlock, western red cedar, red alder and amabilis fir. The northern portion of Block 1 contains mixed species of immature to old forest. WFP harvested about 500 000 cubic metres of timber from Block 1 during the one-year audit period.

As part of the Forest Practices Board's 2013 compliance audit program, the Board randomly selected the Quesnel District as the location for a full scope compliance audit. Within the district, the Board selected forest licences (FLs) A65926 and A81934, held by Ndazkhot’en Forest Management Ltd. (NFM) and located in the Quesnel Timber Supply Area (TSA), for an audit.

NFM operates on two forest licences within the TSA. Forest Licence A65926 was issued on February 15, 2002, with a term of 15 years and FL A81934 was issued on January 1, 2008, with a term of 5 years. The licences have an allowable annual timber harvest volume of 70 000 cubic metres and 125 000 cubic metres respectively. Most of NFM’s operations are near the village of Nazko, approximately 100 kilometres west of Quesnel. During the two-year audit period, NFM harvested 441 000 cubic metres; 221 000 cubic metres from FL A65926 and 220 000 cubic metres from FL A89134. All harvesting was carried out using ground-based systems, and mountain pine beetle infested lodgepole pine accounted for 88 percent of the harvested volume.

As part of the Forest Practices Board's 2013 compliance audit program, the Board selected the South Island District as the location for a full scope compliance audit. Within the district, the Board selected ten woodlot licences for audit. This is the audit report for eight of the woodlot licences: W0011, W0020, W1479, W1526, W1713, W1902, W1903 and W1906. Results for the other two woodlot licences are provided in separate audit reports.

The Board randomly selected the South Island District and, from the population of licences within the forest district, noted that woodlot licences had not been audited in recent years. The individual woodlot licences were selected based on the level of harvest activity occurring between February 2011 and June 2013, and not on past performance or geographic location. The Board selected all woodlot licences with a cut of greater than 5000 cubic metres since February 2011.

The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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