In June 2009, the Board conducted a full-scope compliance audit of forest planning and practices on woodlot licence W1050 in the Quesnel Forest District. This woodlot is located within one hour’s driving distance of Quesnel (see map on page 2).

The audit assessed 15 cutblocks, more than 12 kilometres of road activities and obligations, as well as operational planning.

The Board notes that the holder of woodlot licence W1050 complied with legislative requirements in all significant respects.

The Forest Practices Board has audited the appropriateness of government’s enforcement of the provisions of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act, in the Columbia Forest District in southeastern British Columbia.

The Board commends the Ministry of Forests and Range staff in the district for their good compliance and enforcement (C&E) practices during the audit period. They completed a large number of inspections, demonstrating that they were out on the ground, extensively monitoring forest activities. They also conducted numerous investigations and took appropriate enforcement actions when problems were identified. When interviewed, licensees in the district reported that compliance monitoring and enforcement practices were conducted fairly during the two-year audit period. Overall, the investigation found no C&E weaknesses of concern in the district.

As part of the Forest Practices Board's 2009 compliance audit program, the Board selected Tree Farm Licence (TFL) 1 for audit. TFL 1 is held by Coast Tsimshian Resources (CTR) limited partnership. TFL 1 is located in the Kalum Forest District and it includes four geographically separate blocks surrounding Terrace (see map on page 2).

Since 1986, TFL 1 has been held by Skeena Cellulose, NWBC Timber and Pulp, and New Skeena Forest Products. CTR acquired TFL 1 in 2005 when New Skeena Forest Products Ltd. was under creditor protection.

The Board’s audit fieldwork took place August 17 to 21, 2009.

In June 2009, the Board conducted a full-scope compliance audit of forest planning and practices on woodlot licences W0512 and W1516 in the Quesnel Forest District. Both of these woodlots are located within two hours’ driving distance of Quesnel.

The audit examined each woodlot licensee’s planning, field activities and obligations in the areas of:

All activities, planning and obligations for the period January 1, 2007, to the day of the field audit in June 2009, were included in the scope of the audit.

The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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