Carrier Lumber Ltd. – FL A15429 and A15430 in the Headwaters Forest District

Arrow Boundary Forest District Woodlots Licences W0408,W0475, W0479, W1470, W1832

Carrier Lumber Ltd. – FL A15429 and A15430 in the Headwaters Forest District; Audit of Road Maintenance and Silviculture Obligation

Replanting obligations of financially strapped companies in the Robson Valley have been met by Carrier Lumber Ltd. The audit found that Carrier complied with forest practices legislation on replaceable forest licences A15429 and A15430, which it took over after financially strapped companies gave them up.

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: Arrow Boundary Forest District Woodlots – Licences W0408,W0475, W0479, W1470, W1832

Planning and field activities undertaken in five woodlots in the Arrow Boundary Forest District in southern British Columbia complied with forest practices legislation. The audit of woodlot licences W0408, W0475, W0479, W1470 and W1832 was conducted in June 2007…

Audit of Timber Harvesting and Associated Planning: Western Forest Products Inc. – TFL 6

Audit of Timber Harvesting and Associated Planning: Western Forest Products Inc. – TFL 6

This is a report on a “limited scope” audit for TFL 6, held by Western Forest Products Inc., in which only harvesting, road activities and associated planning were examined. These activities were assessed for compliance with the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act, the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA), and related regulations.

The Board’s audit fieldwork took place from June 25 to 29, 2007.

Forestry Audit: British Columbia Timber Sales Kootenay Lake

BCTS and licence holders in the Kootenay Lake Forest District complied in all significant respects with legislative requirements, as well as the Kootenay Boundary Higher Level Plan Order, which had  key requirements to include old and mature timber conservation and protection of important caribou and grizzly bear habitat.

Audit: BCTS – Kootenay Lake

Audit of Timber Harvesting, Road Construction, Maintenance and Deactivation: Carrier Lumber Ltd. – NRFL A70174

Carrier Lumber Ltd.’s operations on non-replaceable forest licence A70174, located in the Prince George Forest District, complied with forest practices legislation in all significant respects. However, the audit identified a bridge that was not built as designed; therefore bridge construction practices should be improved.

Carrier Lumber Ltd. – NRFL A70174