Under the Nisga’a Final Agreement (the Agreement), in May 2000 the Nisga’a Nation was formally granted rights to the Nisga’a lands, an area of approximately 200,000 hectares in and around the Nass Valley, 100 kilometres northwest of Terrace.
BCTS and timber sale licence holders in the Lakes TSA, located near Burns Lake, complied in all significant respects with forest practices legislation, with the exception of two minor instances of poor harvesting practices causing soil disturbance. BCTS took immediate steps to address the soil disturbance findings.
S.W.C Holdings Limited’s forest planning and practices on forest licence A16848 in the Mid-Coast Timber Supply area complied with forest practices legislations.
This is the Board’s report on a compliance audit of forest licence A18163, held by Lakeland Mills Ltd. The operating area is within the Prince George Timber Supply Area, and current operations are focussed north of Prince George. In response to the MPB epidemic, Lakeland is focussing a majority of its harvesting activities on the salvage of infested stands.
1515C&C Wood Products Ltd.’s operations in the East Narcosli area of the Quesnel Forest District, west of the Fraser River; and Lakeland’s operation in both the Prince George and Vanderhoof Forest Districts complied with forest practices legislation. In response to the mountain pine beetle epidemic, both companies are focusing the majority of their harvesting activities on the salvage of beetle-infested stands.