As part of its 2002 audit program, the Forest Practices Board audited forest planning and practices on Nisga’a lands. This audit is the second of five annual audits of compliance with the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act and related regulations (the Code) as well as the forestry-related requirements of the Nisga’a Final Agreement (the Agreement). The Agreement requires the Forest Practices Board to perform compliance audits of forest agreements and licences on Nisga'a lands in each year of a defined five-year transition period that ends on May 10, 2005.
In June 2001, the Board undertook a series of audits in an area within the Fort Nelson Forest District. This report, in addition to the published audit reports, is provided as an overview to assist the public to understand the effectiveness of overall forest stewardship in the audit area. Under section 189 of the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act, the Board chair is empowered to make such a special report regarding a matter that is in the public interest. This report is drawn from audit evidence and additional observations; and, in conjunction with the audits, reports on the overall stewardship of the land within the audit area.
This is the Board’s report on a compliance audit of the Ministry of Forests SBFEP in the Squamish Forest District. The Squamish SBFEP operates within the Soo Timber Supply Area and Tree Farm Licence 38, and awards timber sale licences to small business operators.
In 2001, the Forest Practices Board completed a comprehensive examination of range practices carried out under the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act and related regulations (the Code) in the Horsefly Forest District. The examination had three components: an audit of range agreement-holders’ compliance with the Code; an audit of the appropriateness of government enforcement of the Code for range practices; and a survey to determine whether forest resource objectives established under range agreements were being achieved on the ground.