This is a report on a compliance audit of the SBFEP in the Boundary Forest District. The operations of the SBFEP are conducted in numerous locations around Grand Forks extending north from the Washington-British Columbia border to Big White Mountain, and east from the West Kettle River to Christina Lake.
The audit examined the district's timber harvesting and road practices, including related operational planning, for the period September 1, 1996, to September 15, 1997, to assess compliance with the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act and related regulations (the Code).
This is a report on a compliance audit of the SBFEP in the Arrow Forest District. The audit examined the SBFEP’s timber harvesting and road practices, and the related operational plans, for the period September 1, 1997, to October 2, 1998, to assess compliance with the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act and related regulations (the Code).
This is a report on a compliance audit of Tree Farm Licence 19 held by Doman-Western Lumber Ltd. The audit examined timber harvesting and road practices, and related operational plans for the period August 1, 1997, to August 28, 1998, to assess compliance with the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act and related regulations (the Code).
This is a report on a compliance audit of the SBFEP, in the South Island Forest District. The audit examined all aspects of the district’s forest planning and practices in the SBFEP for the period of May 1, 1996, to June 30, 1997. The audit assessed compliance with the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act and related regulations (the Code).This audit included a complete examination of operational plans, including all aspects of the forest development plan, silviculture prescriptions, logging and fire preparedness plans. It also included a complete examination of forest practices including timber harvesting, silviculture, fire protection, and road construction, maintenance, and deactivation.
A compliance audit report of Forest Licence A19207 held by Prettys’ Timber Co. Ltd. The audit examined Prettys’ timber harvesting, road practices, and related operational plans, for the period from August 1, 1996, to September 22, 1997. The audit assessed compliance with FRPA and related regulations.