This bulletin explores why fire hazard assessment is important; recent Board audit findings; and provides some FAQs.

A fire hazard assessment considers the risk of a fire starting, the hazard associated with the industrial activity, the difficulty in controlling a fire and the potential threat to values.

This bulletin explores stewardship from a Forest Practices Board perspective. It is intended to foster discussion and promote stewardship of public forest and range resources.

The Forest Practices Board defines stewardship as ensuring responsible resource use today, while maintaining the health of the land for future generations.

This bulletin explores risk management in BC forest operations, and suggests that it needs to be transparent and fair, while reflecting the public’s interest in the resources. It is the fifth in a series of new Forest Practices Board bulletins describing important issues for forest management identified in recent Board work.

This bulletin explores an important component of a sound planning and management framework for forest management —a process for involving the public, First Nations and stakeholders. This is the fourth in a series of five new Forest Practices Board bulletins describing important issues for forest management identified in recent Board work.

The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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