This bulletin is the fifth in a series of Forest Practices Board bulletins describing new aspects of forest legislation, practices and trends, and their implications for forest stewardship. These bulletins are intended to foster discussion and to improve understanding of forest practices. This bulletin addresses the transition from the Forest Practices Code (the Code) to the new Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) and the Forest Practices Board’s role under FRPA.

This bulletin is the fourth in a series of Forest Practices Board bulletins describing new aspects of forest legislation, practices and trends, and their implications for forest stewardship. These bulletins are intended to foster discussion and to improve understanding of forest practices. This bulletin summarizes key findings from the 2003 Board audit season. It identifies some of the major issues the Board will be examining in the 2004 audit season, which will be the first audits conducted under the new Forest and Range Practices Act.

This bulletin is the third in a series of Forest Practices Board bulletins describing new aspects of forest legislation, practices and trends, and their implications for forest stewardship. These bulletins are intended to foster discussion and to improve understanding of forest practices. This bulletin addresses the public’s opportunity to review and comment on proposed forestry developments under the Forest and Range Practices Act.

The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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