Logging Old Forest on TFL 47 – Sonora Island

Haida Gwaii Visual Quality Objectives

In March 2013, Heritage and Natural Resources Committee of the Council of the Haida Nation complained that timber harvesting on Haida Gwaii, by Teal Cedar Products Ltd., did not meet visual quality objectives at a number of locations. The complainant was also concerned about the lack of accountability for the results of these practices under BC’s Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA), which includes professional reliance as a key foundational element.

While this report looks at the licensee’s compliance with government’s established visual quality objectives, it also underscores key considerations for making professional reliance effective. It also emphasizes the importance of appropriate government enforcement to support public confidence in discretionary decision-making held by licensees and their professionals under FRPA.

Haida Gwaii Visual Quality Objectives

Closing Letter – BX Creek

This is the Board’s closing letter for a complaint filed by a group of residents of the Silver Star Road area, northeast of Vernon.

In March 2014, the Board received a complaint from the residents in the BX Creek watershed regarding the visual impact of BC Timber Sales harvesting across the valley from their homes. The residents were also concerned that they had not been directly consulted prior to the logging and want to ensure they are consulted about future harvesting in the area.

Closing Letter – BX Creek

Harvesting Upslope of Cabins Along East Shuswap Lake

On November 5, 2013, the Forest Practices Board received a complaint about proposed harvesting and road construction, planned by Canoe Forest Products’ Ltd., a subsidiary of Gorman Bros. Lumber Ltd., in an area upslope of seasonal cabins on the east side of Shuswap Lake.

This complaint investigation highlights the responsibility licensees have to ensure stakeholder involvement and communications are consistent, timely, responsive, transparent and collaborative. It also demonstrates the responsibility of the public to get involved, share in building a working relationship with the licensee, and become an active part of the forest management process.

Harvesting Upslope of Cabins Along East Shuswap Lake

Closing Letter – Bernstorff Spring

This is the Board’s closing letter for a complaint about livestock impacting water quality from a natural spring. In December 2012, the Board received a complaint that livestock use of a small pasture is contaminating a spring providing domestic drinking water. In addition, the complainant is concerned that new fencing restricts public access to Crown land, and that the pasture is overgrazed. This letter summarizes the results of the Board’s investigation into this complaint.

Closing Letter – Bernstorff Spring

Timber Harvesting and Potential Impacts to the Duhamel Creek Alluvial Fan

In June 2012, the Board received a complaint about Kalesnikoff Lumber Co. Ltd.’s (the licensee) planned road building and harvesting for cutting permit 40 (three cutblocks) in the Duhamel Creek community watershed. The complainant was concerned that harvesting and road building would increase the risk of flooding and debris flows, which could potentially damage property, reduce water quality and endanger the lives of residents of the Duhamel Creek alluvial fan.

Duhamel Creek frequently experiences natural disturbances. The presence and influence of historical landslides and other erosion events are evident throughout the length of Duhamel Creek. The valley sidewalls and streambeds have been eroded over time by events like avalanches, landslides and debris slides. Some of the eroded material was transported downstream, particularly in extreme run-off events, where it settled and created the Duhamel alluvial fan.