Woodlot Harvesting and Red-listed Plant Communities in the Coastal Douglas-fir Ecosystems of Vancouver Island

Mountain Pine Beetle Harvesting in the Stake Lake Cross Country Ski Area

The Overlander Ski Club of Kamloops filed a complaint with the Board to help resolve or clarify issues with respect to future forest management and ski trail use at the Sake Lake ski trails. The harvesting of mountain pine beetle infested trees disrupted the use of the cross-country ski trails, located near Lac Le Jeune, during the winter.

Mountain Pine Beetle Harvesting in the Stake Lake Cross Country Ski Area

Protection of Deer Habitat at Anderson Lake

A resident of Anderson Lake wrote to the Board with concerns that logging south of McGillivray Creek would harm mule deer winter habitat and a local water supply. The Board investigated whether management of mule deer winter habitat south of McGillivray Creek represented sound stewardship of forest resources.

Protection of Deer Habitat at Anderson Lake

Watershed Protection at Anderson Lake

A resident of Anderson Lake wrote to the Board with concerns that logging south of McGillivray Creek would harm mule deer winter habitat and a local water supply. The complainant stated that he did not have an adequate opportunity to review a watershed assessment report describing the risk to water, and that the logging may compromise the area’s potential designation as a community watershed.

Watershed Protection at Anderson Lake

Closing Letter – MSMA Policy Development

Domestic Water Concerns with Harvesting and Road Construction near Elmer Creek

Domestic Water Concerns with Harvesting and Road Construction near Elmer Creek

Two separate complaints arose from proposed timber harvesting and road construction in the Elmer Creek area, near the community of Yahk. The complainants asserted that BCTS had not implemented the recommendations of a hydrology assessment and that the proposed road construction, improved public access and clear-cut harvesting would adversely affect domestic water supplies and other resources.