Resolution Report on – File 060713 MSMA Policy Development

The Board received complaints from two of the public members of the committee. One had been the complainant from Nadina Beetle Treatments and the other had initiated an appeal of the MOFR’s Pesticide Use Permit (PUP) for MSMA. Both complaints said that policy development was taking too long and new information, brought forward by the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS), was not being considered.


Closing Letter – Trophy Mountain

Trophy Mountain

The Trophy Mountain Buffalo Ranch (the complainant) operates a commercial horseback riding business. The complaint was about the Woodlot 1857 in the west of clear water valley road and adjacent to Wells Gray Provincial park was carrying out its logging practices in disregard of logging guidelines; licensed horseback riding trails were being unusable; unnecessarily interrupted commercial horseback operations which created unsafe condition for both clients and the public.

Impacts of Harvesting on Cattle Grazing near Quesnel

Impacts of Harvesting on Cattle Grazing near Quesnel

Bear Valley Ranch complained that West Fraser Mills Ltd.’s use of cut-to-length timber processing and disc trenching unreasonably interfered with its cattle grazing in cutblocks. The complainant is concerned that the accelerated harvesting and the resulting condition of the harvested sites have damaged high quality range area.

Recreational Impacts in a Woodlot

Consistency of Logging with the Robson Valley LRMP

The Fraser Headwaters Alliance alleged that logging by McBride Forest Industries Ltd. In the Rocky Mountain Trench is not consistent with the objectives of a land and resources management plan for the area. The investigation examined visual quality management, logging in an area reserved for recreation, logging in a riparian management area, and preparation of a forest development plan amendment.

Consistency of Logging with the Robson Valley LRMP

BCTS Logging at Roberts Creek

BCTS Logging at Roberts Creek

Between July and October 2005, the Board received a number of complaints about five BCTS cutblocks above Roberts Creek, on the Sunshine Coast. The complainants wanted the cutblocks withdrawn, a new planning process for Mt. Elphinstone established, and 1500 hectares above Roberts Creek protected.