Public Input Regarding Logging on Vedder Mountain

Public Input Regarding Logging on Vedder Mountain

A group of concerned property owners south of Chilliwack filed a complaint about a BCTS cutblock uphill of their lands. The complaint believes the cutblock will damage their water supply, wildlife and a rare plant species.

Closing Letter: Forest Practices Board’s report on management of Haida Gwaii goshawks complaint

The Sierra Club’s Haida Gwaii group filed a complaint regarding development within the Bonanza Wildlife Habitat Area and concern with the management of the Northern Goshawk on Haida Gwaii. The complainant alleged that inadequate protection of foraging habitat, a one per cent timber-supply cap on protection measures, lack of co-ordination between licensees operating in the area, and failure to require nest surveys prior to harvesting could put goshawk habitat at risk.

Closing Letter – Management of Northern Goshawk on Haida Gwaii

CLOSING LETTER: Forest Harvesting and Road Building in Laird Creek Watershed

The Laird Creek Water Users asked the Board to investigate approval of an amendment to a BCTS forest development plan. The complainant says that BCTS disregarded public input and proper planning procedures.

Closing Letter – Forest Harvesting and Road Building in Laird Creek Watershed

CLOSING LETTER: Slash and woody debris north of Elkford, BC

On September 7, 2005, a resident of Elkford filed a complaint asserting that Tembec Inc. (the licensee) was needlessly harvesting Douglas fir trees while harvesting pine beetle stands and had been leaving merchantable logs and excessive slash on site. As well, the complainant asserted that the Ministry of Forests had not responded appropriately in the circumstances.

Closing Letter – Slash and woody debris north of Elkford, BC

Logging in Marbled Murrelet Habitat on Queen Charlotte Islands-Haida Gwaii

The Gowgaia Institute filed a complaint about the Husby Group of Companies harvesting in areas that should be reserved for marbled murrelets. The areas in question were in the Eden Lake landscape unit, on Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands.

Logging in Marbled Murrelet Habitat on Queen Charlotte Islands-Haida Gwaii