Humpback Whales and Helicopter Log Drops on the North Coast

Logging and Conservation of Endangered Plant Communities on Vancouver Island

This investigation began with a complaint, from the Carmanah Forestry Society, about the approval of an amendment to the BC Timber Sales Program’s 2000-2004 forest development plan, located on the east coast of Vancouver Island in the South Island Forest District. The complainant asserted that the district manager did not adequately consider information about “red-listed” (endangered or threatened) plant species and their occurrences in younger forests located in the proposed logging area. The complainant was concerned that continued timber harvesting will eliminate all such plants in the area.

Logging and Conservation of Endangered Plant Communities on Vancouver Island

Unauthorized Construction of a Cabin and Trail on Sinclair Mountain

A resident of Smithers asked the Board to investigate the unauthorized construction of a cabin and an ATV trail on Sinclair Mountain. The complainant asserts that the construction of the trail and cabin contravened the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) and that, despite the contraventions, the Ministry of Forests did not take appropriate enforcement action.

Unauthorized Construction of a Cabin and Trail on Sinclair Mountain

Harvesting in the Winlaw Creek Watershed

The Winlaw Watershed Committee filed a complaint with the Board about BCTS’ harvesting in the watershed, where many residents obtained water. The Winlaw Committee has been involved in a planning process with the Ministry of Forests since 1999 and it expected BCTS to consult with it before logging in the watershed.

Harvesting in the Winlaw Creek Watershed

Proposed Logging in the Shawnigan Lake Watershed

The Board received a complaint from Shawnigan Lake Watershed Watch about proposed development within the community watershed. The complainant felt that a planned cutblock by BCTS would not provide for sustainable forest management in the watershed. It also believed consultation regarding the site plan was inadequate.

Proposed Logging in the Shawnigan Lake Watershed

Consideration of Harvesting Impacts on Rare Species near Elk Creek

The Chilliwack Field Naturalists asked the Board to investigate the approval of an amendment to a FDP–the Cattermole Timber Company proposed two cutblocks on Elk-Thurston Mountain. The complainant is concerned that public comments about the impact of harvesting on old growth forests and significant rare species were not adequately considered, and information about helicopter drop areas was missing from the amendment.