Consideration of Harvesting Impacts on Rare Species near Elk Creek

Impact of Harvesting on a Tourism Business near Ootsa Lake

The Board received a complaint from the owner of a tourism business near Ootsa Lake, in the Nadina Forest District alleging that logging by Tyeewood Inc. is harming his business and trespassing on timber harvesting rights previously granted to him. The Board investigated whether logging in the area was consistent with strategic guidance for tourism and recreation; whether harvesting was consistent with MOFR’s commitment to the complainant; and whether consultation on the proposed forest development was adequate.

Datlamen Road Public Review

The Haida Gwaii Marine Resource Group filed a complaint with the Board about a number of concerns related to the Weyerhaeuser Company Limited’s FDP amendment to build a road that included a bridge over Datlamen Creek. The concerns included inadequate enforcement by the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the lack of a biological diversity overview in the area.

Impact of Harvesting on a Tourism Business near Ootsa Lake

Datlamen Road Public Review

Clearing of Trees and Brush at a Recreation Site

Harvesting in the Winslow Goat Winter Range

The Western Canada Wilderness Committee filed a complaint with the Board about the approval of a cutblock north of Stave Lake in the Chilliwack Forest District. The complainant believes that the cutblock is located in prime mountain goat habitat and should not be logged and believes that an agreement was made not to harvest the cutblock and that it was broken.

Harvesting in the Winslow Goat Winter Range

Public Access to Forest Planning Documents

The Board received a complaint from an individual about the adequacy of the public review process for proposed forest development plan amendments in the Boundary area.

Public Access to Forest Planning Documents