The Forest Practices Board is pleased to provide a submission to the Strategic Review of Old Growth Management in BC. We have done a fair amount of work involving old growth management through our audits, complaint investigations and special investigations. We are providing a selection of observations based on findings from our work, grouped around two themes: what we don't know and the need for monitoring and research, and observations on the current management approach.
A Proposed Pathway for Improving Wildlife Management and Habitat Conservation in British Columbia
The Forest Practices Board is pleased to provide a submission to Together for Wildlife. At the outset, we wish to recognize the importance of having a long-term vision and plan for stewardship of BC’s wildlife resources, and the importance of this initiative. This submission draws from reports and investigations the Board has undertaken over almost 25 years.
The Forest Practices Board is pleased to provide a submission to the Provincial Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy. Our recommendations are broken into three parts. We suggest that an overarching policy goal guide all actions regarding adaptation. We identify five focus areas where we believe action will have greatest impact, and finally we have provided an appendix with past recommendations from the Board for specific actions that can be taken.
Public Engagement on Amendments to the Forest and Range Practices Act (June 2019)
As part of government’s public consultation on proposed amendments to FRPA, the Forest Practices Board submitted comments on the need for modernized planning under FRPA.
Priorities for Strengthening the Forest and Range Practices Act (August 2019)
This letter provides the Board’s additional thoughts on some key priorities for legislative reform; these are all derived from previous Board work including investigations, appeals and audits.