Strategic Plan 2019-2022

The Forest Practices Board strategic plan for 2019-2022 will guide our work and help us to focus on priority issues for the next three years.

Strategic Plan 2019-2022

Forest Practices Board releases 2017-18 annual report

Presentation to the Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry

Presentation to the Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry

On March 19 2018, Forest Practices Board staff presented before the Federal Senate Standing Committee on Agriculture and Forestry in Vancouver, providing input to the Committee’s study of the potential impact of climate change effects on the agriculture, agri-food and forestry sectors and actions to increase adaptation and reduce emissions.

We had an hour with the Committee which began with our presentation on: (i) the Forest Practices Board, what we do and the legislation we operate under,
(ii) our observations on climate change effects and impacts to forest and range resources, and (iii) suggestions for the federal government to consider.

After our presentation, each of the Senators asked several questions. In particular, they were interested in the FPB role and our ability to be effective without restrictive powers such as the ability to set rules or impose penalties. They were also interested in our suggestion to consider an independent climate change “watchdog”.

A key benefit was to make the Committee aware of the Board and our work, which comes from a unique perspective.

You can download a PDF copy of our presentation on the right hand side of the page.

Professional Reliance Review – FPB Submission

The Forest Practices Board made a submission to the government’s review of the professional reliance model in British Columbia. The submission is based on the Board’s experience in auditing and investigating forest and range practices throughout the province and reviewing the role of professionals in the course of that work.

Professional Reliance Review – FPB Submission

2016/17 Annual Report Released

Board Issues 20th Annual Report

What to expect during a Board compliance audit – RANGE