This bulletin describes the benefits to the BC public of having the Forest Practices Board provide independent oversight of forest and range practices. It is one of a series of five new Forest Practices Board bulletins describing important issues for forest management identified in recent Board work.

This investigation looked at a landslide into Laird Creek that caused damage to the water supply of about 100 homes. The slide was caused by a combination of factors, including logging by the BC Timber Sales program that occurred in the area prior to 2007.

The Board investigation found that BCTS’s operational and technical practices were sound. Overall the Board finds that BCTS acted in a responsible manner after the slide event, though there was no legislated requirement for it to do so. BCTS conducted appropriate assessments; implemented the recommendations; stabilized the road and slide path; helped water users get their systems running; and, ensured water users had access to potable water.

This case brings to light broader issues regarding public policy and decision making, including potential gaps in regulation that go well beyond this specific instance, and the Board will examine those concerns separately, drawing on the results of this and other recent audits and investigations.

Closing Letter from Laird Creek Investigation in 2005

As part of its 2012 compliance audit program, the Forest Practices Board selected Stella-Jones Canada Incorporated's (Stella-Jones) forest licence (FL) A20196 for audit. Operations are managed from Stella-Jones’ office in Salmon Arm.

FL A20196, with an annual allowable cut of 12 963 cubic metres, lies within the Arrow timber supply area (TSA), and nearby communities include Nakusp and Burton. It consists of four operating areas, located along the eastern side of Upper Arrow Lake. The southernmost operating area lies within the Caribou Community Watershed.

The Forest Practices Board selected community forest agreement K2T, held by the Valemount Community Forest Company Ltd. (VCFC) for audit. Community forest agreement K2T surrounds the Village of Valemount, which lies in the Robson Valley, about 300 kilometres southeast of Prince George.

The VCFC harvested approximately 250 000 cubic metres of timber during the two-year audit period. Harvesting was focused on salvaging lodgepole pine trees affected by the mountain pine beetle. Field work was carried out from September 24 to 27, 2012.

This audit examined the activities of the BC Timber Sales (BCTS) program and the timber sale licence (TSL) holders in the Rocky Mountain District. Numerous natural resources support a wide range of interests in the district—including recreation, wildlife, trapping, guide-outfitting, fish and tourism—creating challenges for BCTS and timber sale licensees that carry out forestry activities in the area.

The Forest Practices Board selected West Fraser Mills Limited’s Forest Licence A18694 for audit. In 2010, West Fraser purchased this licence from another licensee. Only West Fraser’s activities and obligations werincluded in this audit. West Fraser administers this licence from its 100 Mile House office. The licence has two operating areas within the Kamloops Timber Supply Area. One operating area is located east of Bonaparte Lake and west of Highway 5, between Logan Lake and Clearwater. The other operating area is north of Vavenby.

As part of the Forest Practices Board's 2011 compliance audit program, the Board randomly selected the South Island District as the location for a full scope compliance audit. Within the district, the Board selected Tree Farm Licence (TFL) 54 for audit. Since March 2007, this licence has been held by MaMook Natural Resources Limited (MaMook), owned by a partnership of the Ahousaht, Hesquiaht, Tla-o-qui-aht, Toquaht and Ucluthaht First Nations called the MaMook Development Corporation.

TFL 54 is an area-based licence located on the west side of Vancouver Island in the Clayoquot Sound region near Tofino and Ucluelet, as well as near the First Nations communities of Ahousaht, Esowista, Opitsaht, Hot Springs Cove, and Itatsoo. MaMook works in a complex planning environment and must address the Land Use Objectives for Clayoquot Sound, in addition to the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act.

26As part of its 2012 compliance audit program, the Forest Practices Board selected Amabilis Contracting Limited's (Amabilis) non-replaceable forest licence (NRFL) A79575 for audit. Amabilis is part of the Pioneer Family Timber Partnership, based in Williams Lake.

Amabilis' NRFL lies within the Williams Lake timber supply area (TSA), and nearby communities include Williams Lake, Horsefly and Likely. The terrain of the interior plateau is flat to rolling and the predominant tree species is lodgepole pine.

The Board conducted a full scope compliance audit, in which all harvesting, roads, silviculture, protection activities and associated planning done between June 1, 2010, and June 22, 2012, were included in the audit.

As part of the Forest Practices Board's 2011 compliance audit program, the Board selected the Fort St. James District as the location for a full scope compliance audit. Within the district, the Board selected six woodlot licences for audit. The Board audited woodlot licences W0657, W0295, W1893, W1431, W1881 and W1888.

This is the audit report for woodlot licences W1431, W1881 and W1888.

As part of the Forest Practices Board's 2011 compliance audit program, the Board selected the Fort St. James District as the location for a full scope compliance audit. Within the district, the Board selected six woodlot licences for audit. The Board audited woodlot licences W0657, W0295, W1893, W1431, W1881 and W1888.

This is the audit report for woodlot licences W0295 and W1893.

The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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