Occasionally, audits and investigations identify an issue or situation that would reflect negatively on an individual if they were identified in a Board report. In June 2012, the Board adopted the following policy for naming of individuals in reports:
If a person is a party as defined by FRPA1, and they take on the responsibility of holding any form of tenure on Crown land, the party identified as holding that tenure can be named in a Board report.
For example, John Smith, John Smith Logging and John Smith Logging Ltd., would all be identified in the report.
Reports will avoid naming individuals who are not a party, such as specific equipment operators or consultants.
For example, rather than mention the backhoe operator Pete Simpson by name, the report would say “the backhoe operator,” or some other description that does not include the person’s name.
1 Definition of "party"
121 In this Part and the regulations related to this Part, "party" means
(a) the government,
(b) the holder of an agreement under the Forest Act,
(c) the holder of an agreement under the Range Act,
(d) a person responsible for establishing a free growing stand as a result of an agreement referred to in section 29.1 (1) or (3),
(e) a person responsible for maintaining or deactivating a road, under a regulation under section 155 (1) (d), or (f) a person referred to in section 122 (2) who may be audited or investigated under that section.