The Forest Practices Board today released the report for its audit of the silviculture practices on Forest Licence A20021 held by West Fraser Mills Ltd. The licence is located northeast of Williams Lake around Quesnel Lake and Horsefly Lake in the Horsefly Forest District.
The audit examined the silviculture practices of West Fraser Mills Ltd. for compliance with the Forest Practices Code, and included practices carried out in the licence area from June 15, 1995, to September 30, 1996.
The Board's audit work included assessments of 17 cutblocks, involving the examination of practices relating to mechanical preparation of sites for planting and the planting of tree seedlings.
The Board recognizes that all of the silviculture activities audited were implemented under silviculture prescriptions prepared and approved before the substantial requirements of the Code came into effect on December 15, 1995, and therefore did not have to meet the full requirements of the Code.
Overall, the Board concluded that West Fraser Mills Ltd. was, in all significant respects, in compliance with the silviculture requirements of the Code. The use of the words "in all significant respects" recognizes that there may be minor instances of non-compliance that either may not be detected by the audit, or that are detected by the audit but not worthy of inclusion in the report from the auditor.
The audit was conducted by a team of five that included foresters and auditors.
The licence was selected randomly, not on the basis of location or performance. The licence has approximately 4 percent of the allowable annual cut of the Williams Lake Timber Supply Area, with a current allowable annual cut of 127,004 cubic metres.
Three other audits were conducted by the Forest Practices Board in the fall of 1996. The audit reports for Finlay Forest Industries Inc. and International Forest Products Ltd. were released in February and March 1997. The remaining report will be released soon. The Board expects to undertake between 10 and 15 audits in 1997, beginning in the spring.
The Forest Practices Board is an independent agency established in 1995 that provides reports to the public and three ministers about compliance with the Code and the achievement of its intent. Audits of forest practices and of the appropriateness of government enforcement is one of its key responsibilities.
Other important roles include investigation of complaints from the public about forest planning, forest practices or enforcement of the Forest Practices Code, as well as special investigations, special reports and participation in administrative reviews and appeals.
Forest Practices Board
Phone: (250) 387-7964