VICTORIA - Pacific Inland Resources' operations near Smithers complied with the Forest Practices Code in all significant respects, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today.

"In addition to the clean audit opinion, there are some notable practices in this audit. Pacific Inland Resources kept more vegetation and trees beside small streams and within cutblocks than the code requires. This provides habitat for wildlife and reduces the visual impact of logging," said Keith Moore, board chair. "Pacific Inland Resources also took a positive step in making a commitment to carry out their operations in ways that would meet the intent of the Bulkley Land and Resource Management Plan. This is a land-use plan for the area developed through a public planning process."

The audit examined all aspects of Pacific Inland Resources' operational planning and forest practices in the field. The activities audited within Forest Licence A16830 were carried out between July 1, 1998, and July 1, 1999.

Pacific Inland Resources' main operating areas are around Smithers, Telkwa, Moricetown and Fort Babine. The primary areas of operation are near Babine Lake, north along the Babine and Nikitkwa rivers and in the Telkwa River Valley. Pacific Inland Resources is a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd.

This licence was selected for audit randomly, not on the basis of location or level of performance.

The board has undertaken nine compliance audits this year. Pacific Inland Resources is the third 1999 audit report to be published.

The Forest Practices Board is B.C.'s independent watchdog for sound forest practices. The board reports to the public and government about compliance with the Forest Practices Code and the achievement of its intent. The board's main roles are auditing forest practices, investigating public complaints, undertaking special investigations of any code-related forestry issues, participating in administrative reviews and appeals and providing reports on board activities, findings and recommendations.

Forest Practices Board
Phone: (250) 387-7964

The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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