Scenic – Coastal

  • Image #C001_logging near habitat for mountain goats and spotted owl near Chilliwack
  • Image #C0002_coastal rainforest
  • Image #C0003_Black Tusk
  • Image #C0004_devil's club
  • Image #C0005_foggy midcoast day
  • Image #C0006_ancient tree
  • Image #C0007_karst cave on Vancouver Island
  • Image #C0008_aerial view of coastline
  • Image #C0009_Broughton Archipelago
  • Image #C0010_coastal stream
  • Image #C0011_creek in south coast
  • Image #C0012_hillside full of douglas fir
  • Image #C0013_high elevation lake
  • Image #C0014_high elevation mountain hemlock forest Cypress Bowl
  • Image #C0015_small lake at high elevation
  • Image #C0016_winter on the Coast at high elevation
  • Image #C0017_winter on the Coast at high elevation
  • Image #C0018_Inside Passage with early morning fog
  • Image #C0019_north coast inlet
  • Image #C0020_foggy in the forest
  • Image #C0021_coastal inlet
  • Image #C0022_coastal inlet
  • Image #C0023_coastal inlet
  • Image #C0024_midcoast inlet
  • Image #C0025_Hartley Bay
  • Image #C0026_old boom-logs
  • Image #C0027_Ocean Falls
  • Image #C0028_logging in a rainforest
  • Image #C0029_Mount Slesse
  • Image #C0030_Cedars on Haida Gwaii
  • Image #C0031_heliwork
  • Image #C0032_old railway trestle adjacent to West Main in the Clayquot Sound area
  • Image #C0033_rainbow and fog over Nootka Island
  • Image #C0034_log hauling on the coast of BC
  • Image #C0035_tree growing on rocks
  • Image #C0036_Sunshine Coast Community Forest
  • Image #C0037_Haida Gwaii headstone
  • Image #C0038_Bella Coola
  • Image #C0039_Haida Gwaii
  • Image #C0040_west coast of Graham Island

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