Chunzoolh Forest Products gets clean audit for beetle timber harvest
VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has given Chunzoolh Forest Products Ltd. a clean audit for its harvesting of beetle-infested timber in the Prince George Forest District.
The board audited Chunzoolh’s non-replaceable forest licence A72190, which authorized the company to cut 50,000 cubic metres of timber infested by the mountain pine beetle. The beetle epidemic has hit the interior of the province especially hard and the auditee focused all of its harvesting activities on the salvage of infested stands.
“Given the pressure to salvage infested stands quickly while they are still commercially viable, the board is pleased that Chunzoohl is in full compliance with the requirements of forest practices legislation relating to timber harvesting and road construction, maintenance and deactivation,” said board chair Bruce Fraser.
The audit covered harvesting and road activities, and associated planning, by Chunzoolh between July 1, 2005 and July 13, 2006.
The Forest Practices Board is B.C.’s independent watchdog for sound forest and range practices, reporting its findings and recommendations directly to the public and government. The board:
Erik Kaye
Forest Practices Board
Phone: 250-356-1586 or 1-800-994-5899