Victoria – The Forest Practices Board’s special investigation of forest planning and practices near streams in coastal areas of B.C. is nearing completion. The field work was completed in late October, 1997 and the analysis of the results has been ongoing since that time. The report is now being written and the Board plans to release it to the public in March, 1998. The investigation team, made up of foresters, biologists and auditors, used auditing procedures to assess whether or not forest planning and practices were in compliance with the Forest Practices Code and are protecting streams and adjacent habitat and features. They examined 96 of the 450 cut blocks that were harvested on the coast under Forest Practices Code rules. Approximately 400 streams were examined, totaling in excess of 50,000 metres in length.
The cut blocks involve the operations of 30 different licensees and are located in six different Ministry of Forests coastal districts: Queen Charlotte Islands, Port McNeill, South Island, Sunshine Coast, Chilliwack and Kalum.
The Board had planned to release the report in November, 1997, but the completion of the analysis of the results has taken longer than was expected due to the large amount of data that was gathered.
The Board’s decision to undertake this special investigation came as a result of public concerns and a request from the government to consider investigating the issue, following the release of a report by the Sierra Legal Defense Fund in February of 1997. The Board announced the special investigation in March of 1997 and began the field work in June.
The Forest Practices Board is an independent agency, established in 1995, that provides reports to the public and government about compliance with the Code and the achievement of its intent. The undertaking of special investigations of forest planning and practices is one of its responsibilities. Other important roles include audits, investigation of complaints from the public, special reports, and participation in administrative reviews and appeals.
Keith Moore, Chair
Forest Practices Board
Phone: (250) 387-7964
Mike Wyeth, Executive Director
Forest Practices Board
Phone: (250) 387-7964