News & Publications

Public Request for Copy of Forestry Plan

October 1, 2001
Natural Resource Region: kootenay-boundary
District: selkirk

This investigation is about the adequacy of the public review and comment opportunity for Pope and Talbot's (the licensee) 2001-2005 forest development plan (FDP) for Tree Farm Licence 8 and Forest Licence A18969, in the Boundary Forest District. The complainant asked the licensee to provide him with a printed copy of the FDP and maps. The licensee offered to e-mail the text of the plan to the complainant, and to provide copies of maps or a printed copy of the FDP for a nominal charge. The complainant did not consider that to be reasonable. The complainant said the plan and maps were essential to understand the FDP, the ministry's land and forest management agenda, and the subsequent incremental and cumulative impacts on the environment.

The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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