Managing Landslide Risk from Forest Practices in British Columbia

Landslides are a common natural process in a mountainous province like British Columbia. Common features of the landscape are steep slopes, gullies, incised streams and shallow soils, which are conducive to landslides. Most of BC’s mountainous areas also experience high seasonal precipitation and periods of intense rainfall. Landslides are, consequently, a common natural process. Natural landslides are an important forest disturbance agent, particularly in coastal areas. Landslides in forests create gaps and tree diversity as well as contributing significant amounts of gravel and large woody debris to streams, which are important attributes of fish habitat.

The objectives of this study are to report on:

  • the incidence and trends of forestry-related landslides in selected areas and the extent of damage to the environment;
  • the adequacy of the terrain mapping and assessments; and
  • the lessons learned in applying this information to the FRPA environment.

July 2005


Natural Resource Region

West Coast


South Island

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