Measuring Wood Waste in British Columbia

In 2009, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (the complainant) filed a complaint with the Forest Practices Board (the Board) over how wood left behind at logging operations throughout British Columbia is measured and reported.

‘Wood waste’ is any timber that meets merchantability specifications, was not removed from the cutting authority area and was not reserved from cutting. In the opinion of the complainant, wood waste that is not correctly measured and recorded may have implications on forest management (e.g., biological diversity, sustainable rate of harvest) and revenue to the Crown.

The Board reviewed how waste surveys are conducted and whether the waste manual is being applied in a consistent manner across the province. The Board also evaluated the qualification of individuals completing the surveys. If the manual is being followed, the accuracy of the data collected and reported is largely dependent upon the qualification and experience of individuals completing the waste surveys and those conducting check surveys.

September 2010


Natural Resource Region


