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100 Mile House community forest gets good audit

VICTORIA – An audit of community forest CFA K2W, in the 100 Mile House Natural Resource District, has found compliance with B.C.’s forestry legislation. The community forest is managed by the 100 Mile Development Corporation. “We are pleased to see that the community forest carried out sound forest practices and fully met the requirements of […]

Invasive Plants a Threat to B.C. Ecosystems

VICTORIA – Non-native, invasive plants, such as broom and knapweed, pose a growing threat to the native ecosystems in the province, according to a Forest Practices Board special report released today. The report states that progress toward co-ordination of invasive plant control has been made in recent years, but much more needs to be done […]

Board to Audit five woodlots in Quesnel Forest District

VICTORIA – Two Forest Practices Board auditors will visit five woodlots in the Quesnel Forest District from June 15 to 19, spending one day on each woodlot. The board carries out periodic independent audits to see if government and forest companies are complying with provincial forest practices legislation. The audit will examine each woodlot holder’s […]

Board to audit community forest near Mackenzie

MACKENZIE – The Forest Practices Board will be examining the activities of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest Limited Partnership (the partnership), located in the Mackenzie Natural Resource District, starting Sept. 10, 2018. The auditors will examine whether all operational planning, harvesting, roads and bridges, silviculture, and wildfire protection and associated planning carried out between Sept. 1, […]

McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest receives good audit

VICTORIA – An audit of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie community forest in the Mackenzie Natural Resource District has found compliance with B.C.’s forestry legislation. The community forest is jointly managed by the District of Mackenzie and the McLeod Lake Indian Band. “We are pleased to see that the community forest carried out sound forest practices and […]

B.C. Strategy for Threatened Seabird Unknown

VICTORIA – Despite repeated Forest Practices Board recommendations to act, the Province has not developed a strategy for conserving marbled murrelet habitat, leaving forest professionals and industry with weak direction on what is necessary to ensure the survival of the threatened seabird, says a new board report. The report, Conservation of Species at Risk under […]

Board to audit Skeena Sawmills Ltd.

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of Skeena Sawmills Ltd. On tree farm licence 41 and forest licences A16882 and A16885 in the Coast Mountains Natural Resource District during the week of Aug. 13, 2018. Auditors will examine whether harvesting, roads, silviculture, fire protection and associated planning, carried out between Aug. […]