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BCTS operations near Mackenzie pass audit

An audit of BC Timber Sales and 24 timber sale licensees in the Mackenzie District north of Prince George found that forest planning, silviculture, fire protection, harvesting and road activities were mostly in compliance with legislation, according to a report released today.

More transparency needed in Rocky Mountian Trench logging plans

VICTORIA – McBride Forest Industries and the Headwaters Forest District should provide more detailed information in logging plans for the Rocky Mountain Trench, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board investigated a complaint by the Fraser Headwaters Alliance. The complainant was primarily concerned about the licensee’s ability to meet the visual quality objectives (VQOs) […]

Issue #7 – Summer 2012

I encourage all readers to provide feedback to the Board. Informal comments about a recent report or how the Board carries out its work are welcomed and appreciated. Whether you prefer to comment on our Facebook page, Tweet us, or use more private means such as email or phone, your perspective is important to us. Although the Forest Practices Board carefully […]

Plant Communities at Risk from Logging

VICTORIA – An investigation of a complaint about logging near Mt. Elphinstone Park has found that BC Timber Sales met all of its obligations in developing the cutblocks, but concludes that some at-risk plant communities are not adequately protected by current legislation or policy. The complaint was submitted by Elphinstone Logging Focus (ELF), an environmental […]

Board to audit TimberWest operations near Campbell River

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of TimberWest Forest Corporation on Tree Farm Licence 47 (TFL 47) during the week of Aug. 18, 2014. TFL 47 is located on northern Vancouver Island near Port McNeill, and on parts of the coastal mainland and islands in the Johnstone Strait. The audit will […]

Audit of Prince George forestry operations finds compliance issues

VICTORIA – An audit of the BC Timber Sales program and 26 timber sale licensees in the Prince George District found that the forestry activities of BCTS and 24 licensees complied with forest practices legislation, but two licensees had non-compliance issues, according to a report released today. Auditors found that one licence holder installed an […]