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Western Toads and Forest Harvesting near Summit Lake

The Valhalla Wilderness Association complained to the Board that forest practices undertaken by the Nakusp and Area Community Forest (NACFOR) near Summit Lake is impacting western toad habitat and causing direct mortality to the toads. In its investigation, the Board considered current research being undertaken at Summit lake into the life cycle and habitat requirements […]

Board to Audit Five Forest Companies in the Sunshine Coast Forest District

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest practices of International Forest Products (Interfor), Terminal Forest Products, Northwest Hardwoods, F.A.B. Logging Co. Ltd., and 9096 Investments Ltd. in the Sunshine Coast Forest District. The companies’ operations are located throughout the Sunshine Coast Forest District—from north of Powell River to south of Sechelt on […]

Most Kemess Mine Power Line Issues Addressed

Kemess Mine has addressed most of the environmental issues identified in a Forest Practices Board investigation, but there are still environmental concerns related to skid bridges near the power line, the Forest Practices Board reported today.

Presentation to the Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry

On March 19 2018, Forest Practices Board staff presented before the Federal Senate Standing Committee on Agriculture and Forestry in Vancouver, providing input to the Committee’s study of the potential impact of climate change effects on the agriculture, agri-food and forestry sectors and actions to increase adaptation and reduce emissions. We had an hour with […]

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: West Fraser Mills Ltd TFL 52

In October 2017, the Board audited forestry operations on Tree Farm Licence 52 held by West Fraser Mills Ltd.(West Fraser) within the Quesnel Natural Resource District.  This audit included harvesting, roads, silviculture, wildfire protection and associated planning that took place over a 16 month period starting in July 2016. West Fraser’s activities complied in all […]