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Sunshine Coast forest plan drops community values

VICTORIA –A new forest stewardship plan in the Stillwater lands on the Sunshine Coast no longer addresses the full range of values that were determined through public input and involvement, according to a newly released Forest Practices Board report. “Given the effort that members of the public put into the Stillwater Pilot Project, they reasonably […]

Audit of woodlots in Burns Lake area finds numerous issues

VICTORIA – An audit of forestry activities on seven woodlots, in the Nadina Natural Resource District, has found all seven had some type of non-compliance with the Forest and Range Practices Act and/or the Wildfire Act, according to the audit reports. “The auditors found that woodlot licensees did not meet obligations related to reforesting previously […]

Issue #17 – Summer 2017

Interest in the Board’s work and requests for assistance from the Board are continuing to grow–work on topics such as visual quality management and forest stewardship plans, and assistance dealing with concerns and complaints. To ensure we continue to make valuable contributions to forest and range management, the Board strives to remain knowledgeable on current […]