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Board to audit community forests

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit forest planning and practices on the 100 Mile House Community Forest and the Clinton Community Forest during the week of Sept. 16, 2019. Auditors will examine whether timber harvesting, roads, silviculture, fire protection and associated planning carried out between Sept. 1, 2017, and Sept. 20, 2019, met […]

Investigation into Furlong Creek logging complaint results in resolution

VICTORIA– A complaint investigation into logging practices at Furlong Creek near Terrace has resulted in resolution between the complainant and the licensee, according to a Forest Practices Board report issued today. A complaint was filed with the board after a member of the public visited the logging site and saw conditions that caused concern.  Further […]

Dry Creek – Hydrology and Wildlife Concerns About a Large Cutblock

A resident in the Boundary area was concerned that harvesting a large clearcut would negatively impact water and wildlife. The forest licensee, Interfor Corporation, was harvesting a large area within its tree farm license in part to convert low value pine to a more productive stand. The Forest and Range Practices Act sets a minimum […]

Logging not major factor in Peachland water issues

VICTORIA – An investigation of the impacts of forestry activities on drinking water from the Peachland and Trepanier community watersheds has found that forest licensees did a good job of minimizing the impacts of logging on water and that natural processes played a much larger role in the boil water advisories that Peachland has experienced […]