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Audit of Bulkley-area forest operations finds numerous issues

VICTORIA – An audit of the BC Timber Sales Program (BCTS) and timber sale licensees in the Bulkley Timber Supply Area (TSA) portion of the BCTS Babine Business Area found that most operational planning, harvesting and silviculture activities complied with legislation, but there were numerous problems with roads and bridges. The audit found BCTS had […]

Fire Preparedness Under Scrutiny

VICTORIA – As it audits forestry operations across B.C. this summer, the Forest Practices Board will be looking closely at how prepared the forest industry is to deal with accidental fire starts. “The Wildfire Act requires a forestry operator to ensure an adequate fire suppression system is available on-site when conducting high-risk activities that could […]

Board to Audit BCTS in the Lakes Timber Supply Area

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of the British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) program in the Nadina Forest District. The audit will examine BCTS’s operations in the Lakes timber supply area (TSA), located in North Central BC, which covers 1.12 million hectares. The TSA includes the communities of […]

Mountain Pine Beetle Report Finds Good Reforestation Efforts

VICTORIA – The reforestation of areas most heavily affected by B.C.’s mountain pine beetle infestation is as prompt, or quicker, than in areas not affected, or affected to a lesser degree, according to a report released today by the Forest Practices Board. “The board views this as a commendable achievement,” said board chair Bruce Fraser. […]

Audit of woodlot near Duncan finds issues

An audit of woodlot licence W0033 held by Penelakut First Nation in the South Island District near Duncan found that, with two exceptions, forest planning, silviculture, fire protection, harvesting and road activities complied with forest practices legislation.

Board to audit four Sunshine Coast community forests

VICTORIA – Four community forest licences in the Sunshine Coast Forest District—K3F, held by Sechelt Community Projects Inc.; K3G, held by Powell River Community Forest Ltd.; K4C, held by Klahoose Forestry Limited Partnership; and K3P, held by Tla’Amin Timber Products Ltd.—will be audited starting the week of July 24, 2011. The audits will examine operational […]

Board to audit forestry operations in Chilcotin, Central Cariboo

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest practices of Klatassine Resources Ltd., forest licence (FL) A81390, held by the Tl’etinqox-T’in Government (Anaham Band), from September 20 to September 24. The audit will examine planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture and fire protection activities for compliance with forest practices legislation. Forest licence A81390 is located in the both the […]