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Issue #26 – Winter 2022

Here in BC we didn’t want another reminder of our changing climate and its effects but we got it anyway… The floods of November 2021 will rank as one of the most costly natural disasters in Canadian history and the impacts will be with us for years to come. Water is a critical resource to […]

Issue #22 – Winter 2019/20

25 Years of Independence In 2020, the Forest Practices Board will be 25 years old. When it was first established in 1995, one of the most important attributes of the Board was that it would act independently and work on behalf of the public interest. From its inception, the concept of independence was built into […]

Issue #2 – Winter 2009/10

Welcome to the second issue of Eye on B.C.’s Forests, the Forest Practices Board’s newsletter.  Eye on B.C.’s Forests provides an overview of the Board’s recent work, including trends and issues analysis and previews of upcoming reports and projects. Eye on B.C.’s Forests is distributed to our e-mail subscribers, as well as posted on our website. We hope […]

Issue #4 – Winter 2010/11

I would like to once again thank those who participated in our surveys or met with us and provided frank and helpful input during the past few months. The results show that the Board continues to enjoy a healthy level of trust, in fact higher than in previous surveys. Eighty-four percent of our  survey respondents said there […]

Issue #6 – Winter 2011/12

I would like to begin the New Year by thanking all the people who help the Board do its job, particularly the individuals whose work becomes the subject of an audit, complaint or investigation. I understand that it is not comfortable, nor convenient to be audited or investigated, and have been impressed by the professionalism and cooperation exhibited. Over the […]