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Audit of Burns Lake Specialty Wood Finds Problems

VICTORIA – A report released today concludes that Burns Lake Specialty Wood complied with most requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act, but failed to comply with Wildfire Act requirements to assess and reduce fire hazards after logging. The audit examined forest planning and practices carried out between September 2011 and October 2013, near […]

Audit finds Canfor did not comply with bridge maintenance legislation

VICTORIA – An audit of Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (Canfor) found 10 bridges that were not maintained as required by the Forest and Range Practices Act. However, Canfor’s road maintenance and silviculture activities all complied with the act. “There are standards in the Forest Planning and Practices Regulation that licence holders must meet to ensure bridges […]

Pacheedaht First Nation and Andersen Timber get good audit

VICTORIA – An audit of forestry activities on tree farm licence (TFL) 61 in the South Island Natural Resource District has found compliance with the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act, according to a new report. “Our audit found that Pacheedaht Andersen Timber Holdings LP (PATH) did a good job meeting all […]

Pine beetle logging takes mostly pine, study says

VICTORIA – All additional harvesting allowed by the Ministry of Forests and Range to deal with the current mountain pine beetle infestation has been directed at pine, according to a Forest Practices Board report released today. “The increase in the allowable annual cut to deal with the mountain pine beetle epidemic has raised concerns about […]

Interfor audit near Grand Forks shows mixed results

An audit of forest licence A18969, held by International Forest Products Limited (Interfor), found adequate forest practices for harvest planning, site preparation, planting and forest regrowth, but noted one unsafe bridge and concerns over winter road construction and road and bridge inspections, according to a report released today.