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Two board members reappointed to the Forest Practices Board

VICTORIA – Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson announced today that Dr. William B. McGill and Ralph Archibald have been reappointed to the Forest Practices Board for terms of two years each. “Bill and Ralph’s contributions and experience have been greatly appreciated by the board,” said Tim Ryan, board chair. “I am […]

Audit of Interfor on north central coast finds good practices

An audit of Interfor’s operations on the north central coast found compliance with B.C.’s forestry legislation as well as the Central North Coast and South Central Coast Orders which support ecosystem-based management (EBM), according to a report released today.

Board to audit forestry activities in two community watersheds

VICTORIA – Forest planning and practices of two forest companies and one utility company in the Mission Creek and Penticton Creek community watersheds will be audited during the week of July 7, 2008. The Forest Practices Board carries out periodic independent audits to see if government and forest companies are complying with provincial forest practices […]

Board to Conduct Final Audit on Nisga’a Lands

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will conduct its fifth and final annual audit of forest planning and practices, as well as its third and final audit of government enforcement of forestry legislation on Nisga’a lands, beginning Sept. 12, 2005. The Nisga’a lands cover about 2,000 square kilometres in the Nass River Valley, about 90 […]

Chunzoolh Forest Products gets clean audit for beetle timber harvest

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has given Chunzoolh Forest Products Ltd. a clean audit for its harvesting of beetle-infested timber in the Prince George Forest District. The board audited Chunzoolh’s non-replaceable forest licence A72190, which authorized the company to cut 50,000 cubic metres of timber infested by the mountain pine beetle. The beetle epidemic […]

Board to audit BCTS coastal operations

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board is auditing forest practices of the BC Timber Sales Program in the North Island-Central Coast Forest District. The four-day audit, which began June 22, is examining timber harvesting, roads, silviculture, fire protection activities, and associated planning, conducted by timber sale licence holders and BCTS, for compliance with forest practices […]

Board Releases Review of BC’s Forest Planning

Victoria -Fundamental changes to the way forest development is planned in B.C. are recommended in a report released today by the Forest Practices Board. The report concludes the board’s provincewide review of the forest development planning process. Forest development plans are prepared by individual forest companies and the Ministry of Forests’ Small Business Forest Enterprise […]

Board to audit forestry operations in Chilcotin, Central Cariboo

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest practices of Klatassine Resources Ltd., forest licence (FL) A81390, held by the Tl’etinqox-T’in Government (Anaham Band), from September 20 to September 24. The audit will examine planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture and fire protection activities for compliance with forest practices legislation. Forest licence A81390 is located in the both the […]