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Forestry Activities in the Skidegate Landscape Unit on Haida Gwaii

The Forest Practices Board received a complaint that alleged forestry activities by A&A Trading, Taan Forest, and BC Timber Sales in the Skidegate Landscape Unit (LU) on Haida Gwaii resulted in landslides, road failures and siltation of fish-bearing streams. In addition, the complainant believes that ecological representation targets for old forest in the Skidegate LU […]
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Issue #16 - Winter 2016/17

As 2016 draws to a close, we at the Board have been looking back to see what the trends and issues have been this year. Probably the most significant trend to note is that the Board has received double the normal number of public complaints and concerns with forest management and practices this year. (Public […]
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Selection of Oral versus Written Representations under Section 128

Selection of Oral versus Written Representations under Section 128 This policy addresses the criteria that the Board will consider when deciding to provide opportunity for oral or written representations. I. Background In its initial years, the Board chose to provide potentially adversely affected parties the opportunity for full oral representations under Section 182 of the […]
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Panels Policy – Assignment & Duties

Panels Policy – Assignment & Duties This policy replaces previous versions of the Board’s policy regarding panels. It describes the duties of an appointed panel, as well as the criteria used to designate panels. I. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on the assignment and duties of Board panels. II. Legislation […]
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Issue #9 - Summer 2013

The Board decided in September 2012 that there would be value in summarizing common themes and trends in forest practices, based on our observations of the past few years. This led to a number of bulletins and special reports – some of which are now published and others still in the works. I’ve been very […]
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Issue #15 - Summer 2016

In my meetings with stakeholders and professionals I have heard some comment that the Board never acknowledges good practices, and from others I have heard the concern that there is just a minimum standard of forestry being practiced in the woods. I think we can all agree we want our practices to be second to […]
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Timber sales program near Powell River receives clean audit

VICTORIA – An audit of the British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) program and timber sale licensees near Powell River found timber harvesting and forest road work met all legislative requirements, according to a report released today. “These operators are carrying out forest practices as the public expects them to, by following the Forest and Range […]
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Study of fish passage at stream crossings shows improvements needed

VICTORIA – A study of 1,110 road crossings over fish streams in 19 watersheds around B.C. has found that, in total, less than half of the crossings were likely to allow fish to pass through without problems, according to a Forest Practices Board report released today. The board’s special investigation looked at crossings in two […]
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Lack of coordination puts deer habitat at risk

VICTORIA – Poor communication among government agencies led to approval of logging plans that put mule deer winter habitat at risk, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board investigated a complaint by a group of property-owners at Anderson Lake, between Pemberton and Lillooet. The complainants were concerned that logging on Crown land south of […]
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Op-ed: Protecting Karst in Coastal BC

Figure 1.  Paddlers cautiously approach a cave in Barclay Sound, Vancouver Island. There is something special, and especially sensitive, in BC’s coastal forests – karst. Karst is formed by water dissolving limestone over many thousands of years, creating shafts, sinkholes, caves, disappearing streams and springs. About 10% of BC has bedrock that is suitable for […]
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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