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Board to audit Carrier Lumber licence takeovers in Robson Valley

VICTORIA–Carrier Lumber’s road and bridge maintenance and silviculture obligations on two recently purchased licences in the Robson Valley will be audited by the Forest Practices Board next week. Carrier took over the two largest licences (A15430 and A15429) in the Robson Valley when the previous holders closed operations due to financial problems. The four-person audit […]
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Multi-value audit finds good performance in Fort St. James Forest District

VICTORIA – A multi-value pilot audit by the Forest Practices Board found good performance by forest companies in the Kazchek operating area of the Fort St. James Forest District. The audit focused mainly on the practices of Apollo Forest Products within the operating area. The board assessed the licensee on biodiversity, stream riparian management and […]
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Board to audit Western Forest Products’ TFL 6

VICTORIA– The Forest Practices Board will audit the harvest practices and associated planning of Western Forest Products on the Quatsino tree farm licence (TFL 6) on northern Vancouver Island. This licensee was selected from those within the North Island – Central Coast Forest district because it is the most active. Selection was not influenced by […]
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Board to Audit Woodlot Licence Holders

VICTORIA– Two Forest Practices Board auditors will visit five woodlot licence holders in the Arrow – Boundary Forest District from June 11 to 15, spending one day on each site. They will examine each woodlot’s compliance with harvesting, roads, silviculture, fire protection activities and associated planning regulations during the period from Jan. 1, 2006 to […]
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Some Code Non-Compliance Found In Audit Of Port McNeill Forest District's Small Business Program

ICTORIA - A Forest Practices Board audit released today finds that the Ministry of Forests Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP) in the Port McNeill Forest District generally complied with Forest Practices Code requirements. Significant non-compliance was identified in timber harvesting, bridge construction and operational planning. "Most of the planning and practices in the Port […]
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Promoting Sound Forest Management in BC

VICTORIA –The Forest Practices Board’s 2012-13 annual report was released today, and summarizes the Board’s work over the year, as published in 29 reports, as well as highlighting work currently underway. “When the Forest and Range Practices Act was introduced in 2004, it was understood that improvements would be necessary as circumstances changed and we […]
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Tolko Industries Gets Clean Audit from the Forest Practices Board

Victoria - Tolko Industries Questwood Division in Quesnel is complying with the Forest Practices Code, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. "Tolko’s practices complied with the Code in all significant respects. In some instances, Tolko left more trees and vegetation next to streams and wetlands than the Code requires, in order to […]
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Interfor Gets Clean Audit from the Forest Practices Board

VICTORIA - International Forest Products’ forest practices in Tree Farm Licence 10 (TFL 10) on the mainland coast are complying with the Forest Practices Code, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. "Interfor’s practices complied with the Code in all significant respects." said Board chair, Keith Moore. "Overall, this is a good audit […]
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Slocan Division Gets Clean Audit from the Forest Practices Board

Victoria - Slocan Forest Products’ operations in the Slocan Valley are complying with the Forest Practices Code, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. "Slocan’s practices complied with the Code in all significant respects. There is a high degree of compliance in an operating area with eleven community watersheds and steep terrain," said […]
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Forest Practices Board annual report details accomplishments

VICTORIA –The Forest Practices Board’s annual report, reviewing the board’s accomplishments and key findings from April 2011 to March 2012, was released today, and it illustrates the Board’s efforts to look at a range of different resource developments affecting public forest land. “Last year we audited some non-typical forestry operations to see if the generally […]
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The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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