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New members for Forest Practices Board

The Chair of the Forest Practices Board welcomes two new Board members. Frances Vyse and John Cuthbert were appointed for two years through a government order-in-council on April 11th, 1997. The order also appoints Cindy Pearce as vice-chair. Frances is a geographer, naturalist and parks planning consultant living in Kamloops. She is well-known and respected […]
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Summerland resident joins Forest Practices Board

The Chair of the Forest Practices Board welcomes Summerland resident John Cuthbert as a new Board member. John, along with Frances Vyse, was appointed for two years through a government order-in-council on April 11th, 1997. The order also appoints Cindy Pearce as vice-chair. John is a forester with a long and distinguished career with the […]
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Forest Practices Board initiates special investigation on forest practices in areas with streams

The independent Forest Practices Board has decided to initiate a special investigation into forest practices around streams in coastal BC. The purpose of the Board's special investigation is to see if forest practices in the field comply with the Forest Practices Code and protect streams and riparian areas beside the streams. The special investigation will […]
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Forest Practices Board releases final report on Cariboo Complaint Investigation

The Forest Practices Board has released a final report concluding the investigation of a complaint about forest development plans in the Cariboo Forest Region. The Board did not reach any conclusions about whether the complaint was substantiated or not. Nor did it find any fault or assign any blame to any organization or individual. The […]
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Forest Practices Board releases decision on Complaint Investigation

The Forest Practices Board has announced a decision regarding a complaint filed with the Board by five organizations from the Cariboo region in December, 1995. The complainants asserted that forest development plans for the Quesnel River watershed prepared by five licensees and the Ministry of Forests Small Business Forest Enterprise Program were not consistent with […]
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Final Report on Complaint Investigation

The Forest Practices Board has released a final report which concludes the investigation of a complaint filed with the Board in late 1995. This is the first major investigation report completed by the Board since the Code came into effect on June 15, 1995. The complaint was about the September 1995 approval of logging in […]
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Quick Action Needed to Protect Threatened Mountain Caribou

Decisive government leadership and prompt action are needed to address serious threats to the survival of BC’s mountain caribou, the Forest Practices Board reported today.
File bcfpb_newsrelease

Board to Audit Enforcement in Fort St. James Forest District

VICTORIA - The Forest Practices Board will audit the appropriateness of government enforcement of the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) within the Fort St. James Forest District. Two government ministries are responsible for FRPA enforcement: the Ministry of Forests and the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection. The audit will review the enforcement […]
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Board to Perform Visual Theme Audit near Campbell River

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will conduct a pilot visual theme audit of a variety of forest tenures within the Campbell River Forest District. The audit area consists of the Crown land portion of the Campbell River Forest District north of Strathcona Park and east of the Nimpkish River. The forest tenures of five […]
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Board to Audit Okanagan Indian Band Forest Licence Near Vernon

VICTORIA — The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of the Okanagan Indian Band operating out of Vernon, in the Okanagan Shuswap Forest District. The audit will examine the Okanagan Indian Band’s forest operations in the area of the Cedar Hill fire near Falkland and the Okanagan Mountain Park fire near […]
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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