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Board finds good performance in North Coast Audit

VICTORIA – Triumph Timber Ltd. received a clean audit for operations in the North Coast Forest District, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board audited Triumph’s activities near Prince Rupert, in seven separate areas between Chambers Creek and Princess Royal Island, and found the licensee was in compliance with legislative requirements for planning, harvesting, […]
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Audit of Boundary area forestry operations finds issues

VICTORIA – An audit of BC Timber Sales (BCTS) and timber sale licence holders (TSL holders) in the Boundary timber supply area has found that forest planning, silviculture, fire protection, harvesting and road activities have complied with forest practices legislation, with one exception, according to a report released today. Auditors found that one TSL holder […]
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Investigation highlights importance of EBM spirit and intent

VICTORIA – A complaint about logging of old forest on Sonora Island on B.C.’s South Coast has highlighted the importance of following the spirit and intent of ecosystem-based management (EBM). Residents of Sonora Island complained that TimberWest Forest Corp. was logging old-growth forest and rare and endangered plant communities in the Great Bear Rainforest. While […]
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Sunshine Coast forest licensees get clean audit

VICTORIA – Five licensees operating in the Sunshine Coast Forest District have received good marks in a Forest Practices Board audit report released today. The board found the forest companies complied with legislative requirements for timber harvesting and road construction, maintenance and deactivation. In addition, licensees followed land-use plan directives such as protecting goat ranges […]
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BCTS, licence holders perform well under Fort St. John Code Pilot Regulation

VICTORIA – The BC Timber Sales Program and timber sale licence holders in Fort St. John have received good grades from the Forest Practices Board for their operations under a Forest Practices Code pilot project. In 1999, the provincial government passed legislation to enable results-based pilot projects under the former Forest Practices Code. Only two […]
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Beetle epidemic increases frequency, severity of peak stream flows

VICTORIA – Government and industry should implement preventative measures to counter the more frequent extreme peak flows in streams as a result of the mountain pine beetle epidemic, according to a Forest Practices Board special investigation released today. The investigation used the Baker Creek watershed as a test case. Baker Creek, west of Quesnel, is […]
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Wildfire threatens homes and properties throughout B.C.

VICTORIA – In a report released today, B.C.’s Forest Practices Board warns that little progress has been made in protecting urban interface areas from catastrophic wildfire and we are all responsible. In 2010, the board issued a report and recommendations to government and communities to address the risks of wildfire in urban interface areas. This […]
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Op-ed: Protecting Karst in Coastal BC

Figure 1.  Paddlers cautiously approach a cave in Barclay Sound, Vancouver Island. There is something special, and especially sensitive, in BC’s coastal forests – karst. Karst is formed by water dissolving limestone over many thousands of years, creating shafts, sinkholes, caves, disappearing streams and springs. About 10% of BC has bedrock that is suitable for […]
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Forest Operations in 100 Mile House get clean audit

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has given West Fraser Mills Ltd. and Ainsworth Lumber Company Ltd. clean audit results for forest practices in the 100 Mile House forest district. The board audited West Fraser’s activities under forest licence A20001, mainly focused on the northeast portion of the district, as well as Ainsworth’s activities under […]
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Chunzoolh Forest Products gets clean audit for beetle timber harvest

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has given Chunzoolh Forest Products Ltd. a clean audit for its harvesting of beetle-infested timber in the Prince George Forest District. The board audited Chunzoolh’s non-replaceable forest licence A72190, which authorized the company to cut 50,000 cubic metres of timber infested by the mountain pine beetle. The beetle epidemic […]
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The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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